Here’s one of the most important lessons I can give you about what it takes to get and keep a body and life you love…
Just. Keep. Chopping. Wood.
In other words, don’t pay attention to the noise, the setbacks, or all the micro-losses that happen during games.
This is the EXACT SAME RECIPE for success in getting a body and life you love.
Step #1: Install a process and culture based on sound fundamentals.
Step #2: Keep. Chopping. Wood.
It’s not about being perfect!
It’s about blocking out the noise and “making the main thing the main thing.”
That’s what my new NeuroType Muscle Building program is all about.
Sure, it includes the the latest discoveries in neuroscience, muscle building and peak performance – but more importantly It’s a culture.
It’s a process. It’s a way of life.
It’s won’t be ready for a few more weeks though. Only one 3 other people have seen the program. My biz partner and my private 10k clients.
One guy, Charlie emailed me and offered $1k to have access to it early.
I said no. It’s not fair to the other action takers here. But more importantly it’s just not up to my standards yet.
The important question is, will you be at the top of the pack when it comes to your body, health, and wellbeing for years to come?
Do you have a new process and a new culture that gives you the confidence to keep chopping wood?
Being elite is a lifestyle, as is being average. You might as well start now.
I’m a pretty positive person and don’t usually think that using fear is a great way to motivate people- but I want to bring that to your attention. People just don’t somehow end up that way either.
Their current situation is a result of choices they made/didn’t make EVERY DAY of their life.
This is why the NOT to do list was created.
It’s a list of all of the things you absolutely refuse to do, and then stick with it. I make one every year, but this year, I’m sharing it publicly for the first time.
1. Do NOT watch porn
Watching porn has been shown to crush your testosterone levels, screw up your brain chemistry, rob you of your time and basically make you an average sexless loser. If there is one habit to kick in 2018 it’s this.
2. DO NOT hit snooze. Ever.
You can sleep and continue to dream, get up and chase your dreams. You know which one I expect of you.
3. Failing to take consistent daily action
When you are truly and authentically serious about your goals, you will make them your #1 priority, day in and day out.
While it seems obvious, most people, consciously or unconsciously, make their #1 goal their 5th priority. Hanging out with friends, watching TV, surfing the web, all take precedent.
Even worse, some people read about their goals day in and day out. Studying is good, but not when it gets in the way of actually taking action.
To steal from one of my favorite writers…
Imagine if Lebron James spent more time reading about playing basketball, day dreaming about dunking, getting high with they crew, commenting/liking Facebook photos of their friends and watching ESPN.
They wouldn’t be shit. They wouldn’t even be in the NBA, not even Lebron.
Take ruthless, specific, directed action, every single day, no matter what.
4. DO NOT play excessive video game / Fantasy sports / watch TV
Do I even need to explain why this is bad?
5. DO NOT be fat/overweight
I’ve talked about being fat, one million times before. It will destroy the love of life. If you are starting off the year overweight, now is time to make the change.
6. DO NOT excessively drink
Moderate drinking is fine.
Excessive alcohol on the other hand is pollution. It lowers your testosterone level and stresses your adrenal system.
It’s also an escape. You drink because you’re hiding from something.
The best way to stay a loser is to crawl into a bottle of booze or wine and hide like a little boy afraid of the dark.
7. NOT knowing your baseline T-levels
Get this checked and know where you stand asap. It might be silently handicapping you.
The IMPERATIVE point of all this?
Just as it’s important to have those things in order to avoid building bad habits, it’s equally important to build good habits.
A NOT to-do list will help you do just that.
So my question is, whats on your NOT to do list?
I’m feeling inspired today as we reach the end of another awesome year…
And I wanted to share these notes that motivate me and make me think:
1. Confidence is not “they will like me”… confidence is “I’ll be fine if they don’t.”
2. You can’t get rejected if you’re not trying to be accepted.
3. It’s better to ask for forgiveness, than to ask for permission.
4. Don’t allow yourself to be a “kept” man – always know you have options, you can walk away at any time and be okay.
5. Once you stop chasing the wrong things, the right things catch up to you.
6.Attraction is not a choice. It’s an instinct.
7. Don’t believe every quote you read on the internet – Gandhi
By the way, quotes are great, but make sure you AVOID falling into the trap of “mental masturbation.”
That’s where you read a quote or watch a video… get pumped up and motivated… and then do nothing.
Just like physical masturbation fools your brain into thinking you had real sex, when you really didn’t…
Mental masturbation fools your brain into thinking you accomplished something, when you really did nothing.
Keep that in mind – taking action matters more than being motivated or inspired.
Do the work, the rest will come in time.
Reading is one of those things that you need to do. It makes you a batter speaker, writer, problem solver and (I’ve been told) way more attractive to the ladies.
So without further or do, here are my top 5 books for ambitious men in 2017.
1. The Hungry Brain by Stephen Guyenet
I normally don’t find fitness/health books that interesting or new. However this book, deep dives into the psychology of the brain and teaches us to outsmart the instincts that make us overeat (or learn to use them to our advantage)
2. Whatcha gonna do with that duck by Seth Godin
Read it. It’s weird, inspiring, and downright genius.
3. Pyshco-cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz
I read this every January, and every single time, I learn something. If you haven’t, this is going to give you a serious success brain makeover.
4. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
An all time role model of mine (for his creativity and ruthless execution), this is the probably the best thing I read and studied in 2017.
5. No B.S. Time management for entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy
Struggling to get stuff done? This book will show you the most ruthless productivity methods known to man. This books isn’t for the easily offended.
You hear the…
of the monitor nearby.
Your health is critical, and you’ve only got a few hours left to live. You can feel your heartbeat and energy slide.
As you lie there, you start to look back on your life. You never made the change you wanted.
You stayed stuck in the same job, that same relationship, that same overweight body until now, the day you die.
You read books but never applied them. You planned diets, but you never followed them.
You told yourself what you were going to do, psyched yourself up a thousand times, but you never did it. You started dozens if not hundreds of life changing escapades and then wilted.
As you lie there in your hospital bed, loved ones cycling in and out over the course of the day, what do you feel?
What would you give if you could go back to this moment – the one in which you’re reading this article – and do things differently.
Future you is not going to regret a lack of achievement or the absence of any one thing in your life.
The only thing you will regret is not trying.
Not striving. Not pushing through when the going got tough.
You won’t regret not making a million dollars; you’ll regret never starting that business or quitting that lousy job.
You won’t regret not marrying a supermodel; you’ll regret staying in that dead-end relationship when you knew you could do better.
You won’t regret not looking like a bodybuilder; you’ll regret stopping at the drive through every night on your way home and living a lie.
And this will happen to you.
You will die.
You will go through all of that on your own, in the quiet solitude of your own dwindling consciousness.
Unless you take the action that’s needed to change, to build the life and body you want…
The life and body you can be proud of.
Take action, today and everyday.
And never settle.
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