

Inconsistency leads to a slippery slope into the darkness of bad habits. Too many people come to me with the problem of inconsistency. They have these spurts of greatness and then drop off.

It makes them frustrated, and struggle to make progress. They know what they need to do. Sometimes they even do what they need to do. But not consistently enough.

Does that sound like you? If so, then you the solution begins with switching your mindset about yourself. 

What would a high-performer do every day?

A high performer would get up at the same time… 

A high performer would stick to their diet… 

A high performer would perform with excellence at work… 

A high performer would be a leader … 

A high performer would eat for energy… 

A high performer would stay active and in shape… 

A high performer would love their partner… 

A high performer would make time to be physically and mentally present for their children and friends…

A high performer would be grateful for all they had, including their opportunity to do better…

And a high performer would get to bed on time to recover for the next day’s high performance.

You Are a high performer.

Therefore you must do these things. You must believe that you can do these things.

And then you must take action – consistently – on these beliefs… no excuses.

The question is: do you know WHY you’re inconsistent?

There are a lot of reasons. Some of them are very deep and some of them are more surface-level.
How important is this?
If you don’t fix this, you will NEVER be successful. Never ever ever ever.
Stop committing to perfection. Instead commit to consistency.
You cannot commit to both at the same time.  Here’s what I mean. Imagine for a second, you are on a cut. All is going well, then one day, someone brings donuts into the office. 
You know you shouldn’t eat them, but you end up having 2-3.
Someone who is committed to consistency would see this as a little bump in the road and then continue on with their next meal as it should be. 
Now what happens if someone is committed to perfectionism?
Well after those donuts, things start to REALLY go down hill. Guilt, shame and negative emotions flood your system. You need to cleanse it somehow, leading to more destructive meal choices at the next meal.
Or worse, you rationalize saying because you screwed up in the morning, the day is lost and so you can go on a binge eating trip at every other point in the day. 
You’ll start fresh tomorrow right?
Wrong. This insidious behaviour is the main culprit behind many people’s physique problems.
Don’t let it destroy you. So, starting right now, COMMIT to consistency, day in and day out. 
And then watch the magic unfold.

Most men die at 25… we just don’t bury them until they are 70. – Ben Franklin

Man, I wish I had realized that sooner. I wouldn’t have wasted so many years being a “nice guy” who never got anywhere with women.

And I never would have settled for an average body…

Maybe you can relate to that, too.

Ben Franklin’s words are as true today as they were back then. Most men live their entire adult lives feeling completely dead inside. They give up on themselves and they settle for less. Because getting what they want out of life just seems like too much effort. Too much struggle.

But you know what?

Living a mediocre life, with a mediocre body, with a mediocre wife. And never truly getting what you want and feeling completely fulfilled… That’s a struggle too.

It’s Like Chinese Water Torture

You keep feeling that drip, drip, drip of frustration, over and over again, every day.

Frankly I’m surprised more men don’t go crazy and freak out.

But it makes sense… most of us are raised to be *tough* and so we swallow it all down and pretend like we’re fine when we’re not.

Anyways, I don’t care how old you are right now. And I don’t care how good or bad you think you are. The cold, hard truth is that most men settle.

Only a few men ever get the best.

But the ones who do, they get it. They know that life is short, and it makes sense to go for what you really want, while you still have time to get it. But most men never really figure it out.

What about you?

Maybe you’re not there yet, and that’s fine… but you know what? I have a sneaking suspicion you will be… sooner than you think.

Because you’ve got ME in your corner.

So what is it that you truly want out of this? 

You want that cutie who says you’re “just friends” to see you differently? 

You want a hotter girl on your arm, who adores you, and appreciates you, and is truly loyal to you?

You want that head turning, kick-ass body that men respect and women lust after?

You want that financial freedom to do whatever you want?

You can have all of that, and more. That’s living, man. That’s what I want for you. And that’s the life I’m here to help you create. But you’re gonna have to man up and make it happen.

Make a commitment to yourself, and refuse to give up and settle.

Some of my friends are awesome.

Two in particular that I want to mention are my my American Ninja Warrior friends Jonathan and Thomas Tapp… 

Now, what I love about these guys — other than the fact that they’re identical twins — is that they’re well known for a few things… 

And one of them is putting together fitness systems for success that have helped millions of people get lean, build muscle and become more confident than ever.

That’s because these guys cut through all the B.S. you see floating around in fitness and get to the stuff that really matters.

And they want you to know about the 3 biggest workout mistakes people make.

The 3 most overlooked workout mistakes 


Look, we all have busy lives, and most of us just don’t have time to spend hours and hours at a gym. Guess what? You don’t need to.


A lot of people think that there’s no path to fitness without lifting heavy weights and using complicated gym machines. That’s the only way to gain strength, right? Actually, that’s not even close to true. 


Many people struggle to see rapid gains in strength when doing traditional bodyweight exercises. Most are unaware of the simple bodyweight techniques to boost strength.

Think about what you want in terms of your health, your wealth, and your life. 

Think big, but big can mean quality, not quantity. 

I don’t care about cars. I want one, a solid, reliable truck. Houses don’t salt me either. I want one, with a good amount of land around it. 

With relationships, I want a good lady and then make some good babies. 

The quality of each, however, are great. 

So what stands in the way of the business empire I want to create, the life I want to live, the health I want to have and the body I want to create? 

1. Stupidity – A lack of knowledge. Weakness – A lack of discipline and physical strength. 

2. Vanity – Wanting things I don’t actually want or need (concerning myself with image more than value). 

3. Selfishness – Thinking about me more than the people around me or legacy. Lack of energy – This is a big one… 

There are more, many more, but let’s tackle these for now, they’re all things that are under our control, even energy. 

How to Have More Energy: 

1. Get excited about something. 

Being excited about what you’re doing and where you’re going provides you with energy that can’t be explained. 

Every day I think about my goals, the big ones, the land, the business, the family, the adventures, and I can’t help but get excited. 

Then, every month or so there’s a business idea that pops into my head that gives me so much energy in every area of my life that my quality and quantity of living explodes. 

Think about your goals, and be in tune with your ideas, get excited about them. 

2. Take A High Quality Greens Supplement 

I live by this stuff. For one, it saves time, by getting so much nutrients in one scoop,

Here’s how I do it… 

AM. Coffee + Nootropics time. 

Afternoon/PM. Greens Time 

It gives me a big jolt of energy that lasts. I usually take it after a workout to stop the flow of cortisol and get my body recovering optimally, but it also extends my energy post workout. 

If a workout is tough it can make me lethargic, greens prevents that lethargy and helps me kill it in the afternoon. 

3. Have someone you want to do this for. 

We’re men, we don’t work best when we’re focused on ourselves. When you have someone or some people you want to work hard for, to create a better life for, to be a better man for, you’re far more likely to get there. 

Having people you want to benefit, your folks, your lady, your kids, gives you an energy that a person solely focused on themselves simply cannot create. 

Write down who you’re doing this for…. 

… Who you’re becoming stronger for, wiser for, healthier for, more disciplined for. 

And then start doing it.

It’s important to take the emotion out of this process sometimes. Being overweight, out of shape, or unhealthy is not “bad” or “shameful.” It’s your body’s response to the environment you live in.

If you take a wolf out if its natural environment and domesticate it, you end up with a dog. If you do that for generations, you end up with an overweight, short, unhappy, useless dog who is prone to disease. The landscape changed and the animal responded.

Isn’t that what’s happening to you? And in a way, to us all? Look around—we’re domesticating ourselves! 

Wolves eat real food and dogs eat kibble. Humans used to eat real food and now we eat kibble too. Add to that a pathological level of sedentism, poor sleep, and a lot of chronic stress. 

Our Modern Life Is A Recipe For The Negative Consequences You’re Witnessing In Your Body.

Those negative changes are by design, by the way. Your body is trying to communicate with you, to let you know that things around you need to change. If you change the inputs in an authentic way, you’re guaranteed to see a change in the outputs.

One of the beauties of the human body is its unbelievable resiliency. 

You can undo significant damage from decades of exposure to a destructive landscape in a few short months. All you have to do is learn how to navigate this new environment. To leverage its opportunities and avoid its destructiveness.

You get to provide yourself with the chance to roll-back the domestication process you’ve been subjecting to yourself to.

In doing so, you will recover both your body and your life.