
Anabolic Cardio For More Testosterone and Massive Muscle Gains

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If Superman did a running workout, this would be it.

It’s the #1 method for packing on lean muscle and cutting inches off your waist in the shortest amount of time. While also skyrocketing your testosterone and growth hormone levels. Most ordinary folks know nothing about it…  

Listen up. Not all running is created equal. And the most efficientOlympic athletes and buffest Hollywood actors and fitness models know this…

Now, there’s always traditional high intensity interval training

However, you can screw HIIT up quite a bit. And you’ll leave tons of muscle building results on the table because of it…

So instead of spinning your wheels, feeling like a lab rat trapped in a cage… Combine the below techniques to your running workouts for superhuman results…

Anabolic Cardio Workout For Massive Muscle Gains

Just imagine having eye-popping vascularity. With veins the size of pythons hanging off your arms.

And a massive 530% boost in growth hormone for greater muscle gains and accelerated fat loss… with a ramped-up sex-drive so you can perform like superman in the sack…

All because you’ve adopted an anabolic cardio philosophy…well, it’s possible man. Yet there’s some bad high intensity interval training habits you have to break first.


Most “Traditional” Interval Training Workouts Won’t Give You The Results You Crave.

Here’s why…

Traditional interval training workouts typically last 6-10 seconds per interval. Although, this isn’t a bad thing… it’s not ideal if you want maximal results.

A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicineshows lactic acid is the #1 factor for achieving an exercise induced growth-hormone response (1).

Which is vital for muscle-growth.

Yet traditional 6-10 second sprint interval workouts don’t last long enough to reach the lactic threshold… a.k.a. the secret sauce of muscle building cardio…

Not until 15 to 20 seconds of all-out sprint effort does your body begin producing muscle-building lactic acid… yet most guys never reach that point in their training.

Unlike common thought, the first 10 seconds of a sprint are aerobic (with oxygen). Not anaerobic (without oxygen)…. this according to the author of The Oxygen Advantage and Buteyko Breathing expert, Patrick McKeown…

(Buteyko breathing is crucial for your gains… I’ll reveal why in a moment)…

Back to oxygen. As long as it’s present during exercise, it’s impossible to reach the coveted lactic threshold responsible for turning your cardio workout into a muscle-building matrix.

To make a long story short… your Sprint Interval Workout should last 20-30 seconds for max gains.

Word of warning: It’s going to hurt. Your lungs will feel on fire. Your legs and arms will weigh heavy like cement. And the last 10 seconds of each sprint will test your mental grit.

Yet because you’re on my site, I know you’re a guy who’s serious about making gains… and you’ll trade a little pain for the glory of a ripped, attention-grabbing physique that would grace the Hollywood big-screen in the next superhero flick…

Am I right?

Buteyko Breathing For Nitric Oxide Gains

Here’s another trick you’ll want to add to your sprint training workout if you’re determined to get the best results from your cardio regimen and become an anabolic animal…

Have you heard of Buteyko breathing? Probs not. Most guys haven’t. It’s a special breathing technique developed by a Soviet Union scientist in the 1960’s…

And when used during sprinting you’ll experience tons of anabolic benefits… one being, a massive surge in nitric oxide production (2)…

Here’s why that rocks.

Nitric oxide is the infamous “Viagra chemical” that helps guys last longer and perform stronger in bed. Yet instead of becoming a slave to the little-blue pill… and selling your soul to Big Pharma and their nasty side-effects, this one breathing hack may do the trick…

And there’s plenty more benefits to the increase in natural nitric oxide levels…

Like improved cardiovascular health, lowered blood pressure, bigger muscle pumps, and greater nutrient delivery to your muscles for faster recovery.

Here’s the trick.

How To Turn Traditional HIIT Into Anabolic Running

Combine the simple Buteyko nasal breathing method to your sprint while in the lactic threshold during your sprint interval workout and your natural nitric oxide levels will shoot through the roof (3)…

It may feel strange at first. But you’ll get used to it. And I guarantee you’ll never perform your cardio workouts without this technique moving forward. It’s that powerful and the results are that noticeable…

In fact, with only 16-minutes per week following an anabolic cardio workout like this and you’ll trigger better results than what most people spend hours chasing in the gym

I’ve been there. I used to follow traditional cardio methods. Which destroyed my sex drive, stripped me of my hard-earned muscle mass, and nearly ruined my marriage…

Yep, my marriage. It’s embarrassing to admit, and you can read more about my story here…

What I’ve learned is your cardio workouts can be your greatest muscle-building, testosterone boosting ally… or it can steal your gains, make you more fat, and send your male-libido on life support…

Question is… what’s it gonna be for you? To be honest, Anabolic Running is only for guys who don’t want to go through the motions anymore…

What To Do Next…

For guys who want the MOST out of their workouts and aren’t willing to leave any results on the table… If that’s you, here’s your next action step:

Add Anabolic Running to the beginning of any workout, or perform on your days off from strength training and you’ll be on the fast track to a lean and rock-hard body that subconsciously demands respect from other men and attracts the opposite sex…

Just like a superhero… They’ve got the brawn. The respect. The lady. And the power. You can too.

These Anabolic Running workouts take as little as 4-minutes per workout. That’s it. And you don’t have to necessarily “run” to experience the results…

Just follow the Anabolic Running principles while on a stationary bike, elliptical, ergometer, etc… and watch your body transform into a lean and muscular physique.

Now’s your chance to harness the power of Anabolic Running:

Click Here to Access The Anabolic Running Program 



1. The Role of Lactate in the Exercise Induced Human Growth Hormone Response: Evidence From McArdle Disease. Centre For Sports Medicine & Human Performance. Brunel University, Uxbridge. Godfrey, Richard. 2009, July.
2. Mercola, Joseph. “Buteyko Breathing Method Helps Reverse Health Problems.”Mercola.com. N.p., 24 Nov. 2014. Web. 08 July 2017.
3. McKeown, Patrick. The Oxygen Advantage: The Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques For A Healthier, Slimmer, Faster and Fitter You.

Peter Tzemis is America's Honest Fitness Coach and loves green juice, reading books by or about great men, long walks on the beach, Marathon Lego-building sessions, Pokemon, meditation and defending his undefeated push-up contest. He is on a mission to change the lives and bodies of 100,000 Badasses Worldwide. He’s been featured by the media on all 6 livable continents and is routinely referred to as “as the best fitness coach in the world” ; ” Peter’s just…on another level.” and “ He should be illegal, that’s how good he is.” Peter concurs.

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